Nothing is more exciting than a new baby.

But even though expectant parents are thrilled to add someone special and new to the family, getting ready before the baby comes can be a daunting task.

Plus, only around 5% of mothers give birth on their “due date.”

There are plenty of things to do before baby comes, and the earlier you do them, the more peace of mind you’ll have.

So much advice is offered to expectant parents. But even if you’ve done it before, it can be hard to cipher through all the information and guidance.

Here’s a checklist that does all of that for you. Keep reading for 7 things you should do before your baby comes.

1. Pack Your Bag

Packing your bag should be at the top of your to do list before baby comes because you never know when your little one will arrive, point-blank.

Even if you have a scheduled c-section, there’s always a possibility that your new baby could decide to come before.

Try to have a bag for you and a bag for baby all packed up a month before your due date. You’ll be so thankful when you’re at the hospital that you have what’s essential.

2. Pick a Pediatrician

If you don’t already have one for other children, take the time while you have it to find the right pediatrician.

Ask friends and look online for reviews. The more reviews, the better! Find out if they’re affiliated with the hospital where you’ll be delivering.

Most pediatricians will even welcome you in for a quick interview before you pick who’s right for you.

When you’re in the hospital, things are blurry, and recovery is essential. Plus every moment with your new little one should be cherished. The last thing you’ll want to worry about is your answer when the nurse asks who your pediatrician is and when you have to go in for a first appointment.

3. Pre-Wash

All Your Baby’s Clothes All that poop and pee and spit-up is cause for multiple outfits a day when your new child is just a baby.

The last thing you’ll want to do when you’re home with your sweet new baby is laundry!

Babies have sensitive skin, so all their new clothes should be washed before with a baby-friendly detergent.

Plus, when you have it all clean and folded, you’ll feel that much more prepared and at peace.

4. Get a Breast Pump, and Find out if Insurance Will Cover It

If you plan on breastfeeding, a breast pump will be your best friend. On those nights when your significant other or your mom or a friend decide to take over and let you sleep for a few hours, you’ll be happy you have that extra milk in the freezer.

Plus, a breast pump is a massive help if you ever have to alleviate a clogged duct or want to get away for a night.

Many insurance policies cover the cost of a breast pump, but it usually only pertains to specific brands or certain pumps. Check with your insurance beforehand so that you can buy one they cover or at least cover a portion of.

Plus, you can practice using it before the baby comes. And if your baby is late, it can even help get things moving!

5. Make Freezer Meals

Call a friend or hone up in the kitchen with your partner and spend all day making freezer meals. You’ll both be so thankful that you did on those sleepless nights and busy days when your baby has arrived.

Lasagna, other casserole-like dishes, and enchiladas are excellent choices. You could also make muffins and baked goods like croissants or banana bread.

Take a break from ordering takeout and delivery so you can save that money and do so once the baby comes.

6. Install Your Baby’s Car Seat

Installing a car seat is more complicated than you think, and it’s vital that you follow the manufacturer’s directions.

59% of car seats are installed incorrectly! With so many fatal car accidents, there’s no reason why yours shouldn’t be installed to perfection.

Most police precincts offer one-on-ones with an expert who will look at your car seat and make sure it’s installed correctly.

Plus, the hospital won’t let you leave without a car seat that is correctly installed. Don’t procrastinate on safety!

7. Clean Your Home

Your baby’s skin and nasal cavities, and everything else is so sensitive, especially as a newborn. The very last thing you’ll ever want to be doing when your baby arrives is cleaning your home top to bottom.

But it’s something you should do before!

It’s not something you should do when you’re pregnant though, especially if you want chemical cleaners used.

The best thing you can do to make your home sufficiently clean and safe for your baby is to hire a professional cleaner with a positive reputation.

And if you want to make sure you book a cleaning service that uses eco-friendly products, all you have to do is specify that in your request.

Don’t Wait on Those Things to Do Before Baby Comes

Having a new baby in the house is a beautiful thing. Help your family enjoy the experience to the fullest by completing all those things to do before baby comes.

The hospital won’t let you return home with your new baby unless you have a correctly installed car seat, so make sure you do that at least a month before your due date.

Making freezer meals, washing your new baby’s clothes, and packing your hospital bag are all things that will give you peace of mind and grant you ease when you get home.

And don’t forget to give your house a deep cleaning! Babies are sensitive creatures, and nothing will help you relax more than knowing your home is sterile enough for your precious newborn.

We have a list of cleaners that we’ve worked with before, and who are both experienced and background-checked. Plus, we can book you a cleaner who will work with your schedule and clean the way you want! Anita’s is in Santa Cruz County, San Diego County, and most parts of San Jose.

If you’re ready to book your cleaning to make your home baby-ready, you can do so here.


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