After taking a quick survey of your home, have you found stuffed animal toys lying around the floor? Did you step on a LEGO or two? Are the bathtubs filled with bath toys that haven’t been properly cleaned in months? 

As you take a look around, you tell yourself it’s time to starting cleaning toys! Clean baby toys are essential for a healthy and happy baby and home. Your little one loves having so many different options of toys to play with on a regular basis, but their toys can get dirty fast. 

Because your baby touches multiple surfaces a day and puts their hands and toys in their mouths, you’ll want to keep their toys as clean as possible. Not sure how to clean a variety of baby toys correctly? Continue reading below to learn how to do just that.

How Often to Wash Toys

Although there’s no specific answer to how often baby toys should be washed or cleaned, there’s a general rule you can follow. The answer to this question might also depend on how often your baby plays with each specific toy. You’ll also want to clean the toys more often when your child is sick or has been sick. 

Plastic toys and bath toys played with on a daily basis should be cleaned each week. Plush toys should also be cleaned once a week or spot cleaned when needed. Any toys that your baby puts in their mouth or chews on should be cleaned once or twice a day. 

Stuffed Animals and Soft Toys

Stuffed animals and soft toys get dirty fast because of their fibers that easily hold dirt, germs, and stains. Before cleaning these types of toys, read the label for specific instructions. Most soft toys without batteries can go through the laundry. 

If the toys can be washed in the washing machine, use a laundry detergent that’s gentle enough for your baby. You can spot clean plush toys with mild soap and a damp cloth when needed. If you can’t place the toy in the washing machine, then handwash with mild soap and warm water before hanging it to dry in the sun. 

Water Toys and Bath Toys

Although water toys and bath toys are submerged in water daily, this doesn’t mean they’re being cleaned. Any water toys or bath toys used on a daily basis should be cleaned at least once a week. After each use, however, place them in a net bag and hang them up to dry. 

These toys need to air out to prevent the growth of mold and mildew. When it’s time for a deep clean, place the toys in a solution of 1.5 teaspoons of bleach in 1 gallon of water to help remove mold. 

Wooden Toys

Natural wood has small grooves where dirt, dust, and germs can hide. If your baby has any wooden toys or toys with wooden parts, then you’ll want to use a solution of one part water and one part white vinegar to clean it. Dip a cloth into the mixture and wring it out before cleaning. 

Wood is porous and will absorb moisture, so you want to avoid using a cloth that’s dripping with a cleaning solution. Then, take a soft-bristled brush to scrub the wood clean. After cleaning the wood, dry it with a cloth and then allow it to finish air-drying. 

Placing it out in the sun to dry can help speed up the drying process and is also a natural way to kill germs. 

Plastic Toys

Depending on the type of plastic toy it is, you may be able to wash it in the dishwasher. Be sure to read all labels before making a decision. Any plastic toys with batteries in them should be wiped down with hot water and mild dish soap. 

Remove the batteries before wiping the toy clean and take an old toothbrush to the battery compartment to scrub that clean as well. 

Toy Dolls

Soft dolls with no electronic parts will most likely wash well in the washing machine. Wipe down dolls with plastic parts using warm water and mild soap. If the doll has hair, then you can wash the doll’s hair with baby shampoo and conditioner if needed. 

Your little one will enjoy washing the doll’s hair with you. You can clean the fabric on the doll with warm water and mild soap as well if you don’t want to place it in the washing machine. Once clean, place it where it can air dry completely. 

Electronic Toys

Electronic toys need surface cleaning on a regular basis. Cleaning these types of toys is similar to cleaning your remote control. Before cleaning them, be sure to remove the batteries. 

You can then put back the battery compartment cover to avoid the inside from getting moisture inside of it. Dip a cloth in a mixture of warm water and mild soap. Wring the cloth out to remove excess water. 

You can then wipe the toy clean. If there are any sticky spots or stubborn stains, then pass over these areas a few times until they are clean. Let the toy air dry.

To disinfect the surface, use a disinfecting wipe. 

Do You Need Extra Help to Clean Baby Toys?

To ensure you clean baby toys correctly and keep them safe for your baby, you’ll take your time on each toy item. It takes time to clean every baby toy in your house, which takes time away from cleaning the rest of the house.

If you lack the time needed to clean your entire home, then don’t hesitate to contact professional housekeeping services. Anita’s Housekeeping Referral Agency is the best place to find a quality home cleaning service. If you’re in need of extra help cleaning around the house to save time, then contact us today! 

Click here to book the right house cleaning services for you and your family. 


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