Even though concrete floors seem almost impervious to the everyday stains that might ruin carpet and wood floors, you’ll be disappointed if you treat them as such. Dog poop on the garage floor and bird droppings on the driveway can be surprisingly troublesome to remove, especially if you blow them off for too long.

With its power to create a long-lasting stink, especially in a climate control-free area like a garage, you’ll want to remove the poop stain as soon as possible. 

Fortunately, of all the materials I’ve saved from pet and people poop, concrete is one of the most forgiving. But with the wrong cleaners, it’s also easy to permanently damage. Here’s everything you need to know about how to get poop stains out of concrete to maintain a fresh look and smell.

Can Poop Stain Concrete?

Poop can stain concrete, and considering the capillary and gel pores that allow for moisture to wick through, it can be a challenge to remove in its entirety. Solid poop will be less of an issue since it stays on the surface. Diarrhea and accompanying pet urine that follows can be problematic, as they can sink in and give bacteria a substrate to grow, creating a constant stink.

What About Bird Poop Stains?

Bird poop on your concrete patio or driveway may cause more issues than unsightly stains and foul odors. As a combination of the bird’s feces and urine, the acidic excrement can degrade various stone materials as it accumulates. 

Over time, bird poop may stain, degrade the sealer, and etch the concrete. Rather than let it build and eventually wear down the surface, clean poop from the concrete promptly and take preventative measures if it becomes a recurring problem. After explaining how to clean concrete with poop stains on it, I’ll offer tips to prevent them from happening.

How to GET Poop Stains Out of Concrete

To clean fresh fecal stains from concrete, first use a stiff scraper to remove any excess waste, wearing rubber gloves for hygiene. Then, apply a stain remover and scrub the area with a brush, avoiding wire brushes to prevent scratching the concrete. Rinse thoroughly to eliminate the cleaning solution. If necessary, use enzyme cleaners or disinfectants to tackle any residual stains that have penetrated the concrete.

Note: The following methods for removing poop stains are for indoor or outdoor concrete surfaces. They will not harm plants if residual cleaner reaches your landscaping.

Method 1: Dish Soap and Baking Soda

Tools and Materials

  • Dish liquid
  • Baking soda
  • Nylon scrub brush


  1. Mix a few drops of dish soap and one tablespoon of baking soda in a bowl with two cups of warm water to make a sudsy cleaner
  2. Stir the solution, and carefully pour it onto the stain
  3. Scrub the concrete with a stiff scrub brush
  4. Rinse thoroughly with fresh water

Note: For light stains, you can use dish soap or baking soda alone. Mix your preferred ingredient in water, scrub the spot, and rinse.

Method 2: Hydrogen Peroxide

Tools and Materials

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • Spray bottle
  • Nylon scrub brush


  1. Pour undiluted 3% hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle
  2. Spray the stain liberally
  3. Wait 15–30 minutes
  4. Scrub vigorously with a stiff bristle brush
  5. Rinse with fresh water

Tip! In my experience, hydrogen peroxide is excellent for new and old stains on hard surfaces like dirty counters, moldy grout, and concrete basement floors. It’s generally safe to use and doesn’t emit harsh fumes. The bonus is that hydrogen peroxide (and, by extension, oxygen bleaches) can disinfect surfaces while clearing the stain.

Method 3: Oxygen Bleach

Tools and Materials

  • Powdered oxygen bleach (e.g., OxiClean)
  • Nylon scrub brush


  1. Mix oxygen bleach with warm or hot water to dissolve (a 1:8 powder-to-water ratio should suffice)
  2. Apply the solution to the stain with a clean cloth or scrub brush, or pour it onto the stain
  3. Let the solution sit for 5–30 minutes
  4. Scrub with a stiff brush
  5. Rinse thoroughly with fresh water

Method 4: Enzyme Cleaner

Enzyme cleaner is the best way to destroy organic pet stains and remove a lingering odor. If your pet keeps returning to the scene, an enzyme cleaner treatment will remove the smell and make them forget their habit of pooping on your concrete floors.

Tools and Materials


  1. Spray enzyme cleaner on the stain
  2. Let the cleaner sit for the recommended dwell time (~5–15 minutes)
  3. Scrub the spot with a stiff brush
  4. Rinse with water, if necessary

Note: Scrubbing with dish soap and warm water is a wise pre-treatment to make enzyme cleaners more efficient. But if you use a pre-wash to clean dog poop, ensure you rinse the area thoroughly before applying the enzyme cleaner. Cleaners can often render the live bacteria and enzymes inactive, making them useless at breaking down the stain further. 

How to Remove Stubborn Poop Stains from Concrete

Unrelenting, dug-in cat and dog poop may require several rounds of the aforementioned methods we’d use for fresh stains. With any cleaner, it often helps to let it sit longer than normal to break down the more challenging poop particles as much as possible before scrubbing. If your first attempts don’t work, here are a few additional ideas for getting stubborn, set-in stains and odors.

Note: For widespread areas with poop stains, such as a dog kennel or run, use a pump sprayer for a quicker application. A stiff deck brush attachment for a broom handle is handy for scrubbing down a wide stained area.

Method 1: More Powerful Hydrogen Peroxide

Tools and Materials


  1. Add hydrogen peroxide to a spray bottle
  2. Spray the stain thoroughly
  3. Scrub the peroxide into the stained area with a stiff-bristled brush
  4. Let the cleaner sit for 10–20 minutes
  5. Scrub the stain
  6. Rinse with fresh water

Tip! You can also make a baking soda poultice, basically a paste, with hydrogen peroxide as you would for removing water marks from marble. Apply it to the stain, and let it sit for several hours or overnight before cleaning.

Method 2: Bleach

Bleach and muriatic acid are two options generally recommended as a last resort for cleaning tough concrete stains. With its ability to etch the concrete and inherent safety hazards, I wouldn’t advise using muriatic acid for a mild dog poop stain on the concrete. 

If you use bleach, only use it AFTER you have exhausted your other cleaning options. Ensure the area is rinsed thoroughly before using bleach. You can create hazardous compounds when you mix bleach and other cleaners, and it can even be problematic when it mixes with old urine. Wear protective gear and ensure adequate ventilation before using bleach.

Tools and Materials

  • Chlorine bleach
  • Hot water
  • Bucket
  • Nylon scrub brush


  1. Mix chlorine bleach and hot water in a 1:10 ratio
  2. Dip your brush in the solution, and apply it to the stain
  3. Let the bleach solution sit for about 10–20 minutes
  4. Scrub the area with a stiff brush
  5. Rinse thoroughly with fresh water

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How Do You Remove Stains from Outdoor Concrete?

Cleaning poop stains from outdoor concrete is easy with a pressure washer. Keep it at no more than 3,000 psi, and use a 15–25° nozzle. You can use plain water or a concrete cleaning solution like Simple Green to power out the toughest stains.

Depending on the severity of the stain, you can even use a garden hose with a jet sprayer to clear away the poop. If you have a wide swath of bird droppings to clean on your driveway or a ton of dog poop on the back patio, use a stiff push broom to scrub the area.

How Do You Remove Old Poop Stains?

Liberal amounts of enzyme cleaner are likely your best bet against old pet poop stains and lingering odors in your concrete. OdoBan is another excellent option for dealing with dog poop that leaves a foul, set-in smell.

Can You Use White Vinegar on Poop Stains?

While white vinegar can help deodorize and clear some of the soil, it isn’t the best choice for removing stains from concrete. It’s generally safe to use but could eventually damage the cement and any coating over the concrete. More importantly, it won’t lift a protein stain as effectively as an enzyme cleaner, hydrogen peroxide, or good old dish soap.

How to Prevent Poop Stains on Concrete Flooring

Preventing stains starts with a quality concrete sealer. After cleaning your concrete floor thoroughly, apply a sealer to keep cat, bird, and dog poop stains from penetrating the surface. Cleanups will be more straightforward, and you’ll avoid any severe damage.

If your pet is pooping on concrete, the simple solution is to close off access to that area. Of course, that can be challenging with a patio or other backyard concrete platform. In these cases, you’ll have to train them not to poop on the concrete by monitoring their habits so you can correct them and by rewarding their good behavior.
Bird poop on the driveway can be a little trickier. A carport can come in handy, but you can also take measures to scare away feathered pests. Conspicuous decoy owls or even your child’s toy rubber snake may have some effect, though you may have to move them around every few days. Reflective items and noisy wind chimes may also keep birds from getting too comfy.


Noah Hoit